(314) 381-0750
4947 W Florissant Ave, St. Louis, MO 63115

Bellefontaine Cemetery

Bellefontaine in Bloom

The trees may be just starting to leaf out but spring bulbs are up and showing off their glorious colors.  Now is a great time to experience Bellefontaine’s Wildwood Valley Gardens.  Here’s a small sample of what’s blooming in the garden from staff Horticulturist, Kyle Cheesborough.    
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Coming up at Bellefontaine Cemetery and Arboretum

~ Growing Seasons ~ Wildwood Valley Gardens – This year, the first full year for the Wildwood Valley Gardens, will feature a number of interesting plants. In spring look for lenten roses, blue-star and false indigo. During the summer you can find gay-feathers, phlox and a large variety of lilies. The harbingers of fall in...
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Luna Moth Caterpillar

Our horticulturist found this Luna Moth (Actias luna) caterpillar feeding on the leaves of a river birch tree. He placed his hand behind the caterpillar for scale. The Luna Moth lays its eggs on a variety of deciduous trees including walnut, beech, persimmon, and hickory. Within two weeks, caterpillars hatch from the eggs to begin feeding. The...
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