(314) 381-0750
4947 W Florissant Ave, St. Louis, MO 63115


Bellefontaine: A Nice Place to Raise a Family

At Bellefontaine Cemetery, many of our wild friends find that our serene atmosphere – with it’s large, old-growth trees, dense shrub and perennial plantings – makes for an excellent spot to settle down and raise a family. From mammals to insects, the cemetery fosters an environment very conducive to the nesting habits of various animals. When...
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When (& Why) to Remove Last Year’s Growth in your Garden

Our staff horticulturist, Kyle Cheesborough, is busy clearing old growth in the cemetery. He explains why this is important and when it should be done below. Common garden practice tells us that when the first hard frost hits, we should pull out the pruners and get to work removing all dead leaves and stems leftover...
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Bellefontaine Cemetery Recognized for Historic Significance

We are pleased to announce that Bellefontaine Cemetery was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This past July, the cemetery was recognized as a nationally significant example of both rural and landscape-lawn cemetery design movements with an excellent collection of mausoleums and funerary sculptures. “The National Register of Historic Places is the official...
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Community Partnerships to Study and Enhance Ecological Diversity

As the cemetery management practices evolve to become more sustainable, Bellefontaine has been cultivating partnerships with organizations to study and enhance the biodiversity on the cemetery grounds. Our first partnership began with The Audubon Center at Riverlands in 2013. Its purpose was to conduct a two year bird count to determine which migratory species are...
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