(314) 381-0750
4947 W Florissant Ave, St. Louis, MO 63115


Bellefontaine in Bloom

Horticulture Supervisor, Kyle Cheesborough The northern catalpa (Catalpa speciosa) is a large, deciduous tree native to Missouri.  The almost chartreuse-green, heart-shaped leaves give this tree a tropical feel and the flowers in late spring are a stunning addition.  A delicacy for a variety of bees and the only host plant for the catalpa sphinx moth,...
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Bellefontaine in Bloom

Horticulture Supervisor, Kyle Cheesborough Irises of Wild Wood Valley Blue flag (Iris versicolor), is a wetland iris growing along shorelines or in a few inches of standing water.  The blue flag can cause dermatitis in susceptible individuals, so be sure to wear gloves when dividing the rhizomes. Yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus),is another wetland iris growing...
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Bellefontaine in Bloom

Horticulture Supervisor, Kyle Cheesborough   Soapweed (Yucca glauca), a plant native to Missouri which has a very intimate relationship with the yucca moth.  Soapweed flowers emit a sweet smell at night to attract moths, but the only one that matters to the plant is the yucca moth.  Yucca moths are small, insignificant, and all white. ...
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A Sanctuary for St. Louis

Inside these gates, solace can be found in the beauty of weathered stones, the music of playful streams, or the surprise of meeting a red fox.  We invite you to seek your inspiration in the memories and splendor of Bellefontaine Cemetery and Arboretum. Attend Decoration Day Celebration on June 4 Take a Sunset Stroll in...
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