Linda Diane Steding
3/1/1959 - 12/13/2023
Obituary For Linda Diane Steding
Linda Diane Steding (nee Hodde) was born on March 1, 1959, in St. Louis, Missouri to the proud parents of Lee and Dorothy, who have both preceded her in death. Ever so proud to be the boss, er, firstborn, she loved being a big sister to Bill (the late Elaine) Hodde and the late Jim (Chris Smith) Hodde. Having two little brothers to be a mother hen for was perfect…although little Billy & Jimmy didn’t quite share the same sentiments at the time—most little brothers would agree.
She was a straight-A student, even throughout her time at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, MO. It was at a Bible study “down in Cape” when she met Charlie Steding. Linda and Charlie were married on August 27th, 1983 in St. Louis, MO.
When Linda became a Christian during her college years, it completely transformed her into who we all knew her to be—someone who loved the Lord with every fiber of her being. Linda’s identity was in Christ, and she wanted to personify the Gospel.
Second to being like Jesus, Linda wanted to be a Mom. While waiting for that blessing, she spoiled her nieces (Stacey, Sarah, Robyn, Jenny, and Jamie) and nephews (Danny, Matt, Micheal, Cory, and Jeremy) like her own children. The title of “Aunt Linda” is one she took to heart, and loved them fiercely.
With a guitar slung over one shoulder, and a box full of craft supplies under the other arm, Linda did children’s ministry before children’s ministry was even a thing. She would continue to have a hand in multiple children’s ministries like Sunday morning “kids church” and Vacation Bible School, throughout her entire life.
When Linda and Charlie learned they were expecting their own baby, it was a miracle to be heralded from the mountain tops. After decades of fervent prayer, hoping and longing—their precious daughter Hannah Steding was born in 1998. Aunt Linda was finally a Mom, and it was absolutely her most favorite testimony of God’s joyful benevolence and her utmost gratitude.
Most of Linda‘s professional life was in the insurance industry. Which comes as no surprise, because she was -the one- to call when you needed help, or had a problem to solve. And often times, she was there before you even reached for the phone.
Linda was incredibly smart and resourceful—gifts from God that she put into good use when serving others. If she had been there when Jesus fed the 5000, she would’ve been the one to organize the distribution in the most efficient way possible.
Linda was known for being a Hostess Extraordinaire. Every gathering was executed with such creativity and care. She couldn’t stand the thought of someone feeling alone, or left out—which is why she threw the best parties. She wanted ALL to feel loved—God’s love.
She wanted to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ on this earth. “To live is Christ and to die is gain.” She took Jesus’ commands to serve and love others very seriously. As the final act of giving, Linda was an organ donor.
A giver—that’s who she was.
Her final message for all to hear would be, “Do you know Jesus Christ as your Savior? If not, I would love to tell you all about Him.”
In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to North Road St. Charles.
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