Julia Janes Dibner

10/27/1949 - 10/1/2024


Obituary For Julia Janes Dibner

Departed this life October 1, 2024. She worked at St. Luke’s Hospital in Saint Louis.

She was raised as Julia Janes Pinney, the youngest in a household of five children. She attended public school in Sturgeon Bay and Madison, Wisconsin, and she graduated high school at the John Woolman School in California. In 1969, Julia married Stephen Dibner at Vestal, New York, and together they attended Harpur College of the State University of New York at Binghamton. Julia earned the bachelor’s degree with a double major in anthropology and biology. She continued her studies at Washington University in St. Louis, earning the doctor of philosophy degree in cell biology.

Julia’s professional work as a cell biologist began at Monsanto’s animal sciences division, establishing improved nutrition for healthier food animals including poultry, swine, and cattle. When this business was separated as Novus International, Julia also worked in the development of a vaccine to prevent coccidiosis in commercial poultry flocks. She was recognized as an encouraging mentor by other scientists, and as Senior Scientist and Research Fellow by her employers, and as a lively original character by many who knew her.

Julia was preceded in death by her parents Mary Elizabeth Janes, James Clarence Pinney, and Wesley Ernest Long.

She grieved at the death of her beloved niece Jessica Rachel Kraemer Theis.

She is survived by her husband, her 4 sisters and 1 brother, and inlaws, outlaws, nieces and nephews and cousins.

Julia’s charities include Heifer International and St Luke’s Volunteers.

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