(314) 381-0750
4947 W Florissant Ave, St. Louis, MO 63115

August 14 – Tim’s Introduction to Mausoleums Tour

Bellefontaine Cemetery 4947 W. Florissant, Saint Louis

Brown Mausoleum In this one hour walking tour across moderate terrain, volunteer guide Tim will showcase various styles of mausoleum architecture.  This tour introduces attendees to the period styles and influences seen in Bellefontaine's famous mausoleums and provides brief biographies of the families who built them.   Save Save


Phaedra Phestival Day 3 – Phaedra’s Phuneral

Bellefontaine Cemetery's Wildwood Valley Gardens 4625-4629 W Florissant Ave., St. Louis

Theartre company Poor Monsters returns to Bellefontaine Cemetery and they are bringing their friends from Equally Represented Arts! Meet Phaedra, wife of Theseus, and Queen of Athens. She fell in love with her stepson, Hippolytus, falsely accused him of rape when he refused her, and then hanged herself. She is the lovesick icon of Greek mythology, the paragon of tragic desire. Since 400 BC, the world can't stop making plays about her. Now St. Louis’s own ERA, Poor Monsters, SATE and YoungLiars undertake an exploration of Phaedra's theatrical legacy. Three phabulous performances. Three phestive after-parties. The Phaedra Phestival exists as an experimental and collaborative theatrical investigation and fundraiser for the 2016-2017 production seasons of ERA, Poor Monsters, SATE, and YoungLiars. The Phestival takes place over 3 days, with a theatrical event occurring on each day. Bellefontaien Cemetery and Arboretum is honored to host 'Phaedra's Phuneral', the third performance in The Phaedra Phestival. Find out more about the Phestival and purchase your tickets here!     Save