September 4, 2024
7:00 pm
8:30 pm
Heroes I: Firefighters of St. Louis and Bellefontaine Cemetery
Heroes can come from many different public service roles, such as firefighters, police officers, and military service members, just to name some of the most obvious. This first of a three-part exploration goes into detail concerning St. Louis’s rich Fire Fighter heritage. Stating with early Volunteer forces and carrying up to the modern era, we will look at the area’s rich history. St. Louis has a right to be proud of its Firefighter history, and those who helped form it should be remembered.
Tours are free, however, donations to the Friends of Bellefontaine Cemetery are gratefully accepted. To make a gift to the Friends of Bellefontaine, email Joe Shields or call our office at 314-381-0750.
Make a gift online
VENMO: @FriendsofBellefontaineCemetery